Seminario de Economía ciclo 2022
- 18 de marzo: Gianmarco León (UPF)
Título: Authoritarian Policies, Trust and Public Service Utilization: Evidence from a Forced Sterilization Program in Perú
Autores: Fernando Fernández (Universidad de Piura), Gianmarco León (UPF) y Dijana Zejcirovic (Universidad de Viena) - 1 de abril: Fernando Saltiel (McGill University)
Título: a confirmar
- 8 de abril: Ignacio Martin Sarmiento Barbieri (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia)
Título: Racial Discrimination and Housing Outcomes in the United States Rental Market
Autores: Peter Christensen, Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri & Christopher Timmins - 22 de abril: Miriam Scaglione (Institute of Tourism, University of Applied Sciences Valais, Switzerland)
Título: Analysing the impact of land transportation on regional tourism. The case of the closure of the Glion Tunnel in the Valais, Switzerland - 29 de abril: Luis Bauluz (Universidad de Bonn)
Título: The Wealth of Generations
Autores: Luis Bauluz (Universidad de Bonn) y Timothy Meyer (Bonn Graduate School of Economics) - 6 de mayo (13:30): Núria Rodriguez-Planas (CUNY)
Título: Motherhood and Domestic Violence: Evidence from Administrative Data
Autoras: Núria Rodríguez-Planas (CUNY) y Sanna Bergvall (Gothenburgh University) - 20 de mayo: Mauricio Romero (ITAM)
Título: The incidence of affirmative action: Evidence from quotas in private schools in India
Autor: Mauricio Romero (ITAM) - 3 de junio: Andrea Lopez-Luzuriaga (Universidad del Rosario)
Título: Less is More? Limits to Itemized Deductions and Tax Evasion
Autora: Andrea Lopez-Luzuriaga (Universidad del Rosario) - 8 de julio: Alejandra Abufhele (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)
Título: Developmental Losses in Young Children from Pre-Primary Program Closures during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Autores: Abufhele, Alejandra; Bravo, David; Lopez Boo, Florencia; Soto-Ramirez, Pamela - 19 de agosto: Fernando Saltiel (McGill University)
Título: Business Cycles and Police Hires
Autores: Fernando Saltiel (McGill University) y Cody Tuttle (UT-Austin) - 26 de agosto: Paul Segal (King’s College London)
Título: Inequality as entitlements over labor - 16 de septiembre: CPeluffo (Universityecilia of Florida)
Título: Parents’ Effective Time Endowment and Divorce: Evidence from Extended School Days
Autoras: MaríaPadilla-Romo (University of Tennessee), Cecilia Peluffo (University of Florida) y Mariana Viollaz (CEDLAS-IIE-FCE-UNLP & IZA) - 30 de septiembre: Soledad Giardilli (University of Edinburgh)
Título: Single-Sex Primary Schools and Student Achievement: Evidence from Admission Lotteries - 14 de octubre: María Noel Pi Alperin (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research)
Título: Population ageing and the public finance burden of dementia: A simulation analysis
Autores: María Noel Pi Alperin (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research – LISER), Magali Perquin (Luxembourg Institute of Health – LIH) y Gastón A. Giordana (Central Bank of Luxembourg – BCL) - 11 de noviembre: Juan Pablo Rud (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Título: The unequal effects of pollution on labor supply
Autores: Bridget Hoffmann (IDB) y Juan Pablo Rud (RHUL, IZA & IFS) - 25 de noviembre: Natalia Cantet (Universidad EAFIT)
Título: Gender and Value of Decision-making Within the Household: Experimental Evidence from Colombia
Autores: Natalia Cantet (Universidad EAFIT), Marcela Ibañez (Universität Göttingen), Tatiana Orozco-Garcia (Universität Göttingen) y Gerhard Riener (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Dusseldorf) - 2 de diciembre: Guillermo Falcone (UNLP)
Título: Robots, Exports and Top Income Inequality: Evidence for the U.S.
Autores: Andrés César (UNLP), Guillermo Falcone (UNLP) y Pablo Garriga (Banco Mundial)