Seminario de Economía ciclo 2017
- 24 de noviembre. A. Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University). «No Shit: Demand Estimation Under Strategic Complementarities». Coautores: R. Guiteras y J. Levinsohn.
- 3 de noviembre. Florencia Pinto (Paris School of Economics). «Stay at Home with Grandma, Mom is Going to Work».
- 29 de septiembre. Lian Allub (CAF). «Asymmetric Effects of Trade and FDI: The South American and the European Case».
- 22 de septiembre. Christian Ruzzier (UdeSA). «Sleeping with the Enemy: Political Connections and Firm Risk». Coautor: Martín A. Rossi
- 9 de junio. David Jaume (Cornell University). «Does a teacher´s Right to Strike Impair a Student’s Right to Learn? The Effect of Teacher Strikes on Long-term Education and Labor Market».
- 12 de mayo. Inés Berniell (European University Institute). “Pay Cycles: Individual and Aggregate Effects of Paycheck Frequency”.
- 5 de mayo. Hugo Ñopo (GRADE). «Natural Resources, Redistribution and Human Capital Formation». Coautores: J. Agüero, C.F. Balzázar y S. Maldonado.